Hand-Tufted Garla Omega Rug

Model: TI3614


With its seventies panache and monochrome simplicity, the Hand-Tufted Garla Omega Rug is the pinnacle of minimalism, featuring a timeless blend of Ecose, a shiny fibre known for its long resistance to wear and stains.

Available in three sizes and two neutral shades. 

Toulemonde Bochart

Founded in 1949 in the heart of the textile region of France, Toulemonde Bochart is renowned for their luxurious collection of contemporary rugs, all of which are brought to life through collaborations with renowned stylists and designers around the world.

Professional clean only.

Material Composition: 100% Ecose (Polyester)

This is a "Special Order" item.


170cm x 240cm


200cm x 300cm


250cm x 350cm

This item qualifies for complimentary delivery within the mainland of England.

Our delivery experts will deliver to your choice of room, unpack, assemble and remove the packaging should you not wish to keep it.

All of this is as standard, so there are no hidden extra charges to pay. You will be offered a choice of days and allocated a time slot.

Worldwide Delivery

We offer international delivery on the vast majority of our pieces. Please contact us to obtain a delivery quotation.

Despatch of this item is approximately 3 weeks from the date of ordering.

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